(Note the Unique Schedules and Differences Among the Groups)

First and Third Mondays at 6 pm (including a meal – RSVP Required – at the Reumann’s Home)
Mike Vogeler leads the small group on Monday evenings.  The first and third Mondays are expanded times for the small group including a meal at 6 pm that requires your RSVPIf you can’t make the meal, you can arrive for study time which begins at about 6:45 pm.  Then at about 7:45 pm until 8:30 pm the time is focused on prayer for God’s Kingdom, His Will, and for the needs of those in the Body of Christ.  If you are interested in joining this group, please call 815-739-9697 or email
Second, Fourth, and Fifth Mondays at 7 pm (at the Reumann’s Home)
Mike Vogeler leads the small group on Monday evenings.  The format is to specifically read a passage of scripture (usually proceeding through a specific book of the Bible) and discuss it as a group.  In addition, there is a time of fellowship and of prayer.  If you are interested in joining this group, please call 815-739-9697 or email
First, Third, and Fifth Tuesdays at 7 pm (at the Bender’s Home)
Chris Bender leads a small group through specific passages of scripture with discussion and a question outline.  The group also spends time in fellowship and prayer. If you are interested in joining this group, please email Chris at:
Second and Fourth Tuesdays at 6 pm (including a meal – RSVP Required – at the Bender’s Home)
Chris Bender leads the small group on Tuesday evenings.  The second and fourth Tuesdays are expanded times for the small group including a meal at 6 pm that requires your RSVPIf you can’t make the meal, you can arrive for study time which begins at about 6:45 pm.  Then at about 7:45 pm until 8:30 pm the time is focused on prayer for God’s Kingdom, His Will, and for the needs of those in the Body of Christ.  If you are interested in joining this group, please email Chris at
This group regularly meets for dinner at 6:30 pm (RSVP Required) and then has a regular study.  Each study is often a shorter period of time that the other small groups (often being around 6 weeks for a particular study topic).  This group will often have recesses in between studies while the other groups rarely recess.  Doug Bunger leads this group and if you are interested in joining the group you can reach out to Doug at
The new Sunday small group starts February 2, 2025 (from 6 pm to 7:30 pm) and is hosted and led by Adam and Nikki Turner at their home in Rochelle.  This study plan is to read through specific passages of scripture with group discussion.  The group also spends time in fellowship and prayer. We’re excited to announce that this group is open to those who need childcare.  If you are interested in joining this group, please email Chris at: