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Jun 18, 2023
The Ultimate Father Desires to Adopt You and Transform Your Life!
On Father's Day, Chris preaches on the second half of 2 Corinthians 6.  The positions of fathers and mothers are divinely appointed roles and have been under significant attack in our culture.  The impact of a father who is present with his family is incredibly positive and the absence or abuse of a father is devastating to the family.  Yet, even in the midst of families with absent or abusive fathers, our Father in Heaven is able to fill those voids and so much more.
  • Jun 18, 2023The Ultimate Father Desires to Adopt You and Transform Your Life!
    Jun 18, 2023
    The Ultimate Father Desires to Adopt You and Transform Your Life!
    On Father's Day, Chris preaches on the second half of 2 Corinthians 6.  The positions of fathers and mothers are divinely appointed roles and have been under significant attack in our culture.  The impact of a father who is present with his family is incredibly positive and the absence or abuse of a father is devastating to the family.  Yet, even in the midst of families with absent or abusive fathers, our Father in Heaven is able to fill those voids and so much more.
  • Jun 11, 2023A Transformed Life Brings the Power of the Holy Spirit
    Jun 11, 2023
    A Transformed Life Brings the Power of the Holy Spirit
    When your life has been transformed by Jesus Christ, it means you are yielding to the power and direction of the Holy Spirit.  Chris preaches on Acts 19:1-20 as Paul encounters a group in Ephesus who'd heard about the coming Messiah but had never heard about the Holy Spirit.  What does it mean to have the Holy Spirit and how does your life change when you do?  These are important questions that we should understand when we choose to follow Jesus.
  • Jun 4, 2023A Transformed Life Tries to Reach the Lost from Their Perspective
    Jun 4, 2023
    A Transformed Life Tries to Reach the Lost from Their Perspective
    Our culture has been changing for some time.  It took 60 years for a general intellectual belief in God to reduce from 98% to 92% of those surveyed in America (by Gallup) from 1960 to 2010.  Then, from 2010 to 2020 the percentage dropped nearly double that number.  When we share the good news of Jesus Christ, we have to be mindful of the perspective each individual is coming from and many, these days, do not have much knowledge of Jesus.  With this in mind, Chris preaches on the second half of Acts 17 as Paul speaks to those on Mars Hill.  He uniquely responds to their idolatry to bring them the news of the one, true God.
  • May 28, 2023A Transformed Life Brings the Deliverance and Salvation of Jesus in All Circumstances
    May 28, 2023
    A Transformed Life Brings the Deliverance and Salvation of Jesus in All Circumstances
    Being a Christian doesn't insulate you from the trials and struggles of this life, but it does equip you to deal with them with the Power of the Holy Spirit.  How we handle trials is a fantastic witness to the rest of the world.  Chris preaches on how the Apostle Paul gave us an excellent example as he dealt with trials.
  • May 21, 2023A Transformed Life Discovers that Confrontation is Sometimes Necessary
    May 21, 2023
    A Transformed Life Discovers that Confrontation is Sometimes Necessary
    Not too many people are excited about confronting others.  With that said, we still can create confrontations with trivial circumstances.  In the Christian life, when is confrontation necessary?  Chris preaches on Galatians 2:11-21 and talks about times when scriptures calls on us to confront fellow believers so that our witness does not do damage to the Gospel message.
  • May 7, 2023Are You Obedient to the Call Jesus Has for Your Life?
    May 7, 2023
    Are You Obedient to the Call Jesus Has for Your Life?
    When it comes to following God's call, we can get in the habit of either ignoring or rejecting what God would have for us.  Chris preaches on Galatians 1:10-24 and looks at how Paul, who formerly rejected God's guidance, fully embraced the call that looked like he would NOT have been a good fit for... but God knows better.
  • Apr 30, 2023When True Transformation from Jesus Occurs, It Is Unmistakable
    Apr 30, 2023
    When True Transformation from Jesus Occurs, It Is Unmistakable
    Chris preaches on Acts Chapter 9 and looks at what it means to have a life transformed by Jesus Christ.  Saul of Tarsus is, perhaps, the most significant transformation found in scripture and demonstrates the power of the Holy Spirit and how we can also be transformed.
  • Apr 23, 2023The Bible Teaches Christianity and Persecution go Hand in Hand
    Apr 23, 2023
    The Bible Teaches Christianity and Persecution go Hand in Hand
    In the first of the series "A Life Transformed by Jesus - Saul of Tarsus", Chris preaches on the last portion of Acts 7 and the beginning of Acts 8.  This message focuses on two areas: 1. Identifying what is most important to you and 2. Understanding how to respond when persecution comes.  
  • Apr 16, 2023Focus
    Apr 16, 2023
    Series: Stand Alone
    Have you ever gone to the grocery store to pick up some specifics items and come out of the store after purchasing several items and none of them are what you originally came into the store to purchase? In this stand alone message pastor Adrian uses this example and several others from the Bible to show us that we all struggle with losing our focus from time to time, because we are focusing on the things around us instead of thing or things we should be focusing on. If we keep our focus on Jesus, we can be used by Him in mighty ways. 
  • Apr 9, 2023If You Truly Believe… Your Life Will Show It.
    Apr 9, 2023
    If You Truly Believe… Your Life Will Show It.
    Chris preaches on Resurrection Sunday on John Chapter 20 and walks through some discoveries that would undoubtedly change our lives.  Yet as great as those discoveries would be, they pale in comparison to discovering the power of the resurrection.