Oct 1, 2023
Our Awesome God is Triune, and Our Salvation is from the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
By: Chris Bender
The word "Trinity" doesn't even show up until over 100 years after Jesus' resurrection, so why is God to be understood as triune in nature? Thankfully, not only God's creation, but God's word is filled with examples of God's triune nature. Chris preaches on this biblical truth and how the 3 Persons of the Godhead are involved in bringing our great salvation.
- Oct 1, 2023Our Awesome God is Triune, and Our Salvation is from the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
Oct 1, 2023Our Awesome God is Triune, and Our Salvation is from the Father, the Son, and the Holy SpiritBy: Chris BenderThe word "Trinity" doesn't even show up until over 100 years after Jesus' resurrection, so why is God to be understood as triune in nature? Thankfully, not only God's creation, but God's word is filled with examples of God's triune nature. Chris preaches on this biblical truth and how the 3 Persons of the Godhead are involved in bringing our great salvation.
- Sep 24, 2023Our Awesome God is the One, True God and we are to Worship Him Alone
Sep 24, 2023Our Awesome God is the One, True God and we are to Worship Him AloneBy: Chris BenderWith all the world religions such as Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Mormonism, etc. - how do we know that Yahweh is the one, true God? Chris preaches that first, we need to recognize the fact no one has impacted the world more than the life of Jesus... and He proclaimed the one, true God. Chris preaches on the biblical truth of Yahweh being the one, true God and how obstacles often keep us us from truly worshiping Him.
- Sep 17, 2023Our Awesome God is Holy … and He Calls Us to be Holy
Sep 17, 2023Our Awesome God is Holy … and He Calls Us to be HolyBy: Chris BenderWith the Hebrew word for "Holy" meaning "Set apart" showing up over 400 times in the Old Testament and the Greek word for "Holy" showing up over 200 times in the New Testament, you begin to understand that holiness is something that is important in God's Word. Chris preaches on what it means when God says He is holy and calls us to be holy.
- Sep 10, 2023Our Awesome God is Our Creator
Sep 10, 2023Our Awesome God is Our CreatorBy: Chris BenderThe very first verse in the Bible helps us understand who god is... our Creator. This is a foundational truth when we recognize that we were created for a purpose. Modern society tells you that you're an result of accidental processes, but with a little investigation, no one should have enough faith to believe that everything we see and those things that we don't are the result of accidental processes. When we discover how much we are loved and our purpose here, it helps us make a difference for the Kingdom!
- Sep 3, 2023Anytime, Anywhere… Without Ceasing
Sep 3, 2023Anytime, Anywhere… Without CeasingBy: Chris BenderSeries: Stand AloneChristians often ask, what is God's will for my life? Thankfully, we need to look no further than the Word of God: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (ESV) Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
Another question is... how are we doing in following God's will? Chris preaches on the importance of an attitude of prayer in all circumstances. - Aug 27, 2023What Must I Do To Inherit Eternal Life?
Aug 27, 2023What Must I Do To Inherit Eternal Life?By: Chris BenderSeries: Stand AloneWhat's the difference between "faith" and "saving faith"? The answers is the difference between eternal life and eternal destruction. When Jesus was asked the question concerning inheriting eternal life, how did He respond and where does faith fit? Chris preaches on the important matter of salvation and how many may have been persuaded that they've falsely received it. Thankfully, the scriptures clarify what it means to have saving faith.
- Aug 20, 2023Jesus’ Radical Love Calls Us To Be Radical Disciples
Aug 20, 2023Jesus’ Radical Love Calls Us To Be Radical DisciplesBy: Chris BenderSeries: Stand AloneThere's no question that the greatest love ever demonstrated is that of Jesus on behalf of humanity. Chris preaches on this incredible loving sacrifice and how Jesus calls us (through one of the most difficult passages in scripture) to respond to His radical love with radical discipleship.
- Aug 13, 2023Jesus Conquered Sin and Death to call ALL into a New Identity
Aug 13, 2023Jesus Conquered Sin and Death to call ALL into a New IdentityBy: Chris BenderSeries: Stand AloneChris preaches on how unfortunately, many Christians often look their own sin and minimize it while viewing other people's sin as much worse. We have to recognize that God has made each of us uniquely and that we ALL struggle with sin. Though you may not struggle in the way that others do, others may not struggle in the areas where you struggle. Ultimately, we are not to find our identity in the areas where we struggle but in Him who overcame all struggles... Jesus Christ!
- Aug 6, 2023The Benefits of Studying God’s Word
Aug 6, 2023The Benefits of Studying God’s WordBy: Chris BenderSeries: Stand AloneIn this message, Doug examines the benefits of why it is critical that we study God's Word not solely for intellectual knowledge, but for heart knowledge. As we study His word, we get to know Him better and as we get to know Him better, He changes our heart to align with His heart. Ultimately, as a result of our pursuit to know God better through His Word, we will one day get to hear Him say, well done good and faithful servant.
- Aug 6, 2023The Benefits of Studying God’s Word
Aug 6, 2023The Benefits of Studying God’s WordBy: Doug BungerSeries: Stand Alone"080623WEBNSMSG". Released: 2011.