Apr 30, 2023
When True Transformation from Jesus Occurs, It Is Unmistakable
Chris preaches on Acts Chapter 9 and looks at what it means to have a life transformed by Jesus Christ.  Saul of Tarsus is, perhaps, the most significant transformation found in scripture and demonstrates the power of the Holy Spirit and how we can also be transformed.
  • Apr 30, 2023When True Transformation from Jesus Occurs, It Is Unmistakable
    Apr 30, 2023
    When True Transformation from Jesus Occurs, It Is Unmistakable
    Chris preaches on Acts Chapter 9 and looks at what it means to have a life transformed by Jesus Christ.  Saul of Tarsus is, perhaps, the most significant transformation found in scripture and demonstrates the power of the Holy Spirit and how we can also be transformed.
  • Apr 23, 2023The Bible Teaches Christianity and Persecution go Hand in Hand
    Apr 23, 2023
    The Bible Teaches Christianity and Persecution go Hand in Hand
    In the first of the series "A Life Transformed by Jesus - Saul of Tarsus", Chris preaches on the last portion of Acts 7 and the beginning of Acts 8.  This message focuses on two areas: 1. Identifying what is most important to you and 2. Understanding how to respond when persecution comes.  
  • Apr 16, 2023Focus
    Apr 16, 2023
    Series: Stand Alone
    Have you ever gone to the grocery store to pick up some specifics items and come out of the store after purchasing several items and none of them are what you originally came into the store to purchase? In this stand alone message pastor Adrian uses this example and several others from the Bible to show us that we all struggle with losing our focus from time to time, because we are focusing on the things around us instead of thing or things we should be focusing on. If we keep our focus on Jesus, we can be used by Him in mighty ways. 
  • Apr 16, 2023Focus
    Apr 16, 2023
    Series: Stand Alone
    In this stand alone message pastor Adrian encourage us to keep our focus on God.
  • Apr 9, 2023If You Truly Believe… Your Life Will Show It.
    Apr 9, 2023
    If You Truly Believe… Your Life Will Show It.
    Chris preaches on Resurrection Sunday on John Chapter 20 and walks through some discoveries that would undoubtedly change our lives.  Yet as great as those discoveries would be, they pale in comparison to discovering the power of the resurrection.
  • Apr 8, 2023What’s So Good About Good Friday?
    Apr 8, 2023
    What’s So Good About Good Friday?
    As Chris preaches this brief Good Friday message, we discover 2 things: 1. The plan to redeem the entire world was in place for a long time and not done in the spur of the moment.  2. The cost was very great.
  • Apr 2, 2023How Do You Respond When Sacrificial Love is Shown to You?
    Apr 2, 2023
    How Do You Respond When Sacrificial Love is Shown to You?
    Chris preaches on John 19:1-15 and asks the important question: When considering all that Jesus did on our behalf, should we simply bask in the grace and love we've received, or does His great love prompt our response?
  • Mar 26, 2023What Is Truth?
    Mar 26, 2023
    What Is Truth?
    Chris preaches on John 18:28-40 as Pilate facilitates Jesus' trial and asks an important question that he doesn't even stick around to get the answer for.  When thinking of your own relationship with Jesus... how much do the influences of this world affect how you hear the voice of truth from Jesus?
  • Mar 21, 2023Where’s Your Focus?
    Mar 21, 2023
    Where’s Your Focus?
    "031923AUDIO". Released: 2011.
  • Mar 20, 2023Denial and the Distance to the Cross
    Mar 20, 2023
    Denial and the Distance to the Cross
    Brent preaches on John 18:15-27 and uses the example of Peter's life to challenge us to examine our hearts and determine if we are focused on Jesus or on ourselves.