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Nov 12, 2023
An Unfaithful, Thieving Slave Becomes a Servant of the Almighty God
Series: Philemon
1st century Roman society was one with a hierarchy of classes within it and a slave was certainly at the bottom.  But a slave who stole and ran away from his master reached a new low in that society.  Chris preaches on how the Apostle Paul worked toward restoring the relationship between a runaway slave and his master, and Paul's counter-cultural message that they were now equals in God's Kingdom.  How can God work through you to restore others?
  • Nov 12, 2023An Unfaithful, Thieving Slave Becomes a Servant of the Almighty God
    Nov 12, 2023
    An Unfaithful, Thieving Slave Becomes a Servant of the Almighty God
    Series: Philemon
    1st century Roman society was one with a hierarchy of classes within it and a slave was certainly at the bottom.  But a slave who stole and ran away from his master reached a new low in that society.  Chris preaches on how the Apostle Paul worked toward restoring the relationship between a runaway slave and his master, and Paul's counter-cultural message that they were now equals in God's Kingdom.  How can God work through you to restore others?
  • Nov 5, 2023Before We Choose to Follow Jesus, We are All Slaves to Sin
    Nov 5, 2023
    Before We Choose to Follow Jesus, We are All Slaves to Sin
    Series: Philemon
    According to scripture, we are either slaves to sin or servants of God.  There's no middle ground.  In this first sermon in the series on the short epistle of Philemon, Chris preaches on how we can all find ourselves ensnared by the temptations of sin.  Only through surrender to Jesus Christ do we really become free.
  • Oct 29, 2023Our Awesome God is Our Lord and Savior
    Oct 29, 2023
    Our Awesome God is Our Lord and Savior

    In this final message of the "Awesome God" series, Chris preaches on how both the Old Testament and New Testament scriptures proclaim God as both Lord and Savior (with a special emphasis on the incredible work of Jesus Christ).  He also preaches on the challenges and benefits of choosing to follow Jesus.

  • Oct 22, 2023Our Awesome God is Faithful, True, and Abounds in Steadfast Love
    Oct 22, 2023
    Our Awesome God is Faithful, True, and Abounds in Steadfast Love
    In many conversations these days, people have varying opinions about who they think God is.  Of course, God is who He is and the opinions of others don't affect his character.  We are exceedingly blessed that God reveals Himself through His word and that when we read it we discover that He is unchanging.  Chris preaches on why this is good news because the more we discover about God's character, the more we can trust Him.
  • Oct 15, 2023Our Awesome God is Just
    Oct 15, 2023
    Our Awesome God is Just
    In Psalm 89 we learn that justice is a foundational part of God and so much of scripture proclaims His justice and the fact that He is perfectly impartial. Yet, isn't it interesting that many desire justice for others, but not for themselves?  When it comes to us, we tend to want mercy and grace, not justice.  The beauty of God's character is that when it comes to ultimate justice, God gives us the choice.  Chris preaches on God's justice, mercy, and grace, and preaches about what God prefers to give us.
  • Oct 8, 2023Our Awesome God is full of Mercy and Grace
    Oct 8, 2023
    Our Awesome God is full of Mercy and Grace
    When we examine the scriptures we find that God clearly proclaims His character to Moses as He allows Moses to see part of His glory (since all of His glory would have been too much for Moses' human body to handle).  And... the first two characteristics that He proclaims to Moses are that He is full of mercy and grace.  Chris preaches on the incredible mercy and grace from our awesome God and also shares powerful stories of how we can follow the example of our Savior.
  • Oct 1, 2023Our Awesome God is Triune, and Our Salvation is from the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
    Oct 1, 2023
    Our Awesome God is Triune, and Our Salvation is from the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
    The word "Trinity" doesn't even show up until over 100 years after Jesus' resurrection, so why is God to be understood as triune in nature?  Thankfully, not only God's creation, but God's word is filled with examples of God's triune nature.  Chris preaches on this biblical truth and how the 3 Persons of the Godhead are involved in bringing our great salvation.
  • Sep 24, 2023Our Awesome God is the One, True God and we are to Worship Him Alone
    Sep 24, 2023
    Our Awesome God is the One, True God and we are to Worship Him Alone
    With all the world religions such as Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Mormonism, etc. - how do we know that Yahweh is the one, true God?  Chris preaches that first, we need to recognize the fact no one has impacted the world more than the life of Jesus... and He proclaimed the one, true God.  Chris preaches on the biblical truth of Yahweh being the one, true God and how obstacles often keep us us from truly worshiping Him.
  • Sep 17, 2023Our Awesome God is Holy … and He Calls Us to be Holy
    Sep 17, 2023
    Our Awesome God is Holy … and He Calls Us to be Holy
    With the Hebrew word for "Holy" meaning "Set apart" showing up over 400 times in the Old Testament and the Greek word for "Holy" showing up over 200 times in the New Testament, you begin to understand that holiness is something that is important in God's Word. Chris preaches on what it means when God says He is holy and calls us to be holy.
  • Sep 10, 2023Our Awesome God is Our Creator
    Sep 10, 2023
    Our Awesome God is Our Creator
    The very first verse in the Bible helps us understand who god is... our Creator.  This is a foundational truth when we recognize that we were created for a purpose. Modern society tells you that you're an result of accidental processes, but with a little investigation, no one should have enough faith to believe that everything we see and those things that we don't are the result of accidental processes.  When we discover how much we are loved and our purpose here, it helps us make a difference for the Kingdom!