How has God prepared and gifted you in ministry and what are the most common ways you serve at Living Water Community Church?
I believe God has prepared me through his Word, the people I surround myself with, and by learning to let Him lead me. He has gifted me with leadership skills, compassion and communication. I serve as one of the elders, part of our Missions Team and our Seven C’s Ministry which delivers compassion and support to the Rochelle community.
How did you come to serve Jesus as your Lord and Savior?
At the age of 18, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. For the next 10 years or so I battled with selfishness and pride. I knew there was more but I was not willing to submit to Him. Things changed when I attended my first Bible study. It was the Word of God and the group’s genuine love for Christ that caused me to want more. The rest has been a continual learning process, “the walk” as we call it.
What brought you to Living Water Community Church and what keeps you coming back?
As an Elder, one has a really good idea of the heartbeat of the church. With that in mind, I would say, it’s the Holy Spirit, the teaching of the whole Word of God and, of course, the people that God has brought to worship at Living Water that are a few of the most important aspects that keep me here. When you witness people’s lives changing, the joy of the Lord on people’s faces, and the desire to learn more about how to deal with life, it’s really hard not to be a part of that.
Tell us a little about your family and some hobbies you enjoy:
I’ve been married to my wife, Annette, for over 35 years. We have six children, four boys and two girls along with one daughter-in-law and two sons-in-law. As for grandchildren, we are currently blessed with 10!

How has God prepared and gifted you in ministry and what are the most common ways you serve at Living Water Community Church?
My formal ministry career started when I was in my early 20s and was asked by a leader in the church if I’d like to lead the church’s youth group. From that point on, I felt God calling me deeper into the ministry. Over the past many years I’ve been blessed to serve God’s kingdom in various aspects of ministry: leading youth, leading small groups, leading Bible studies in the community as well as preaching to groups of people.
I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to go through scripture (in several of my favorite versions) over and over again. There is no other collection of writings that can impact you like the Bible! Well, after all, it is the very words of God! I’ve also had the pleasure of teaching through a large part of both the Old and New Testament scriptures.
As far as education goes, I owe a large portion of my deeper studies to my friend, Steve Gregg, who is the founder of The Narrow Path – a Bible radio ministry program. He has provided thousands of hours of free teaching both on his website and via YouTube covering every verse in the Bible – not to mention a large collection of topical teachings. I’ve invested well over 1,000 hours in his teaching. I’ve also invested well over 1,000 hours in learning from other scholars as well as from the 7-year Logos Complete Bible Study series. In addition, for formal education, I’ve received my bachelor of divinity degree from Christian Leaders College.
I’m also a voracious reader (mostly audiobooks) and have learned from many authors such as C. S. Lewis, A. W. Tozer, Matthew Henry, Francis Chan, Craig Keener, N. T. Wright, Chuck Missler, James Montgomery Boyce, Jack Cottrell, John Lennox, Tim Keller, Michael Brown, Lee Strobel, R.C. Sproul, Josh McDowell, D. L. Moody, J. C. Ryle, and many more. These human authors have great insights but the time I spend in their material pales in comparison to how much I thoroughly enjoy reading God’s Word!
How did you come to serve Jesus as your Lord and Savior?
I was blessed to have a mom who became a follower of Jesus as her Lord and Savior when she became pregnant with me. With that said, God doesn’t have grandchildren, so I needed to make my own decision.  My mom faithfully had me and my brothers studying the Bible every week and brought us (sometimes just about dragged us as unwilling participants), regularly, to church.
Thanks to my mom’s faithfulness, God’s word began to take root in my heart and I committed to following Jesus in my adolescence. Over time, the Holy Spirit helped me mature in the faith and I was blessed with being a part of leading my dad to the Lord in his sixties. The older I get and the more time I spend in God’s word and prayer, the more I recognize my deep need for Jesus. His great love was fully demonstrated as he died for us while we were yet sinners.  Now that is supernatural love!
What brought you to Living Water Community Church and what keeps you coming back?
My wife, Paula, and I were involved in bi-vocational ministry for many years in California and we knew that God was calling me into full-time ministry but we’re not sure where. We had the opportunity to speak with churches in California, Ohio, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Kansas, Arkansas, and Oklahoma, but all the spiritual “green lights” were pointing to Illinois. That’s the way God works. He takes two California natives and puts them in the northern Midwest since we agreed to go where he sends us (and I must say, we continue to appreciate our time here!).
We’ve really enjoyed getting to know people in the Rochelle community and have found Living Water Community Church to be a great place to connect with our brothers and sisters in Christ. The way that our local church handles leadership (with a plurality of pastors/ elders), is also an area that really drew me to Living Water since biblical eldership is not something I see very often. Yet, we must not forget that our brothers and sisters in Christ are throughout the world and we should pray for them both in our community and worldwide!
Tell us a little about your family and some hobbies you enjoy:
Paula and I enjoyed our 25th wedding anniversary in June of 2022. Though we planned to have multiple children, due to health concerns we have one son, Caleb, who works as a full-time computer programmer in California. We tried to adopt, but after significant expense, and the process falling through twice, we figured God wanted us to focus on bringing up Caleb, who we love very much. I have 3 siblings, 1 older brother (who I deeply miss since his passing in 2019), 1 older sister (who I found out I had in 2018 – a story for another day!), and 1 younger brother who is also involved in the ministry. The majority of our extended family lives in California.
I enjoy reading, listening to music, exercising, playing sports (especially racquet sports like tennis), hiking and watching a good movie. I also enjoy writing and spending time with Paula, my family, and friends.

How has God prepared and gifted you in ministry and what are the most common ways you serve at Living Water Community Church?
It has been a long, lifetime process of preparing me for ministry. I grew up in the church, learning about the love God has for us, and how we need to share that love as a conduit through which God can show His love for others.  He has given me a compassionate heart that hurts for others who are struggling with their life and faith. I like to serve in the church, as well as outside the church, and in the community wherever I am. I am on the board of directors.
How did you come to serve Jesus as your Lord and Savior?
When I realized how much Christ did for me, suffering, dying, and resurrecting, saving me without concern for His own comfort, I accepted His gift. That gift given freely on His part, with no credit for anything I did, or can do.
What brought you to Living Water Community Church and what keeps you coming back?
I came to Living Water because of the love I have for the brothers and sisters there, and the love they have for me. That is what keeps me coming back.
Tell us a little about your family and some hobbies you enjoy:
Becky and I have been married since April 14, 1973. She is truly the greatest blessing I have received, aside from the gift of salvation. Becky has always shown me unconditional love. We have two daughters, who are both married to fine, Christian husbands. We have 5 beautiful grandchildren. Becky and I like to spend time together. I like to drive trucks and farm in the spring and the fall. Becky goes with me sometimes in the truck on road trips to see the country.
I like to help others with projects when they are in need. I am a retired electrician and have acquired some construction skills over the years.

How has God prepared and gifted you in ministry and what are the most common ways you serve at Living Water Community Church?
I served as the Athletic Business Manager at Northern Illinois University for 30 years, until my retirement at the end of 2015. I now work part-time as the bookkeeper/ office manager for a used car dealership. When the Elders asked me to serve on the Board of Directors. I originally declined, but then felt God was telling me to say yes, so have been serving as the Treasurer since 2017. I also serve on the 7C’s Mission Team, and once a month sing with the Worship Team.
How did you come to serve Jesus as your Lord and Savior?
I grew up in the institutional church and knew the concepts, but never really had a connection with Christ. It was actually during a difficult time in my marriage that I drew closer to Jesus. My real relationship with Jesus began when I started seeking Him instead of doing what I thought I was supposed to do. I still fail sometimes, but am trying to do Thy will, not my will.
What brought you to Living Water Community Church and what keeps you coming back?
I was attending another church where I met some friends of my sister. It was the first time that I saw my kids interact with other kids in church. Those friends were involved in the startup of Living Water Community Church, and we decided to follow. We have stayed because of the biblical teaching, heartfelt worship, genuine fellowship, and the growth that my family has experienced in our walk with Jesus Christ.
Tell us a little about your family and some hobbies you enjoy:
I love spending time with my 2 grown children, as well as my extended family and friends. I like to cook and read fiction, and now that I am working only part-time, I enjoy puttering in my flower beds, taking care of my yard (not a fan of cleaning or weeding though), as well as volunteering at Living Water Community Church.

How has God prepared and gifted you in ministry and what are the most common ways you serve at Living Water Community Church?

I have always had joy when serving others and God has deepened and matured that passion in me.  As part of Living Water Community Church, I have served in a number of roles since the beginning. Currently, I am one of the Board of Directors.  I also serve in our 7C’s ministry… and I make coffee most Sunday mornings.

How did you come to serve Jesus as your Lord and Savior?

I grew up in the church with a family where Christ was a priority. Growing up, there were many godly people in the church who influenced me. At an early age, I asked Christ into my life and have been growing since, although there have been a few bumps in the road.  Christ was not always a priority in my life until later.  Shortly after I was married, I remember having a conversation with God and deciding that I really needed His help to live my life the way He intended.  Shortly after, we moved to a fairly remote part of the world and plugged into a church that really changed my life.   In an awesome way, God brought people together and developed family through learning and sharing His Word and serving the community.  As I continue to grow in Christ, I know he is not finished with His work.

What brought you to Living Water Community Church and what keeps you coming back?

Our family was part of the original group of people that started Living Water.  It has been awesome to see how God has used our group of believers to impact the community of Rochelle.  We have developed a family of brothers and sisters, in Christ, at Living Water.  We have shared struggles, pulled each other up, and celebrated victories together. God has done amazing things through our church and will continue to do more, all the while sharing His Gospel.  That is why I come back.

Tell us a little about your family and some hobbies you enjoy:

I grew up in the area (Esmond), attended RTHS, and then attended a small college in Iowa.  There, I met my wife, Molly, at freshman orientation.  We got married in 1990, living in the area.  In 1994, we had our first daughter Victoria and moved to Hawaii the next year, working for Dekalb Genetics Corp.  While there, we had our two boys Logan and Levi.  We returned to Illinois in 2002 and had Sara a year after we returned.  We currently live on a small farm, enjoy the country life, raising cattle, and enjoy traveling when we have time.  I work for Bayer Corp.  I have certainly been blessed with an awesome family and a fantastic wife.


How has God prepared and gifted you in ministry and what are the most common ways you serve at Living Water Community Church?
I have worked in the position of office manager since 2017. My role as office manager varies depending on circumstances, however, most of my responsibilities revolve around media delivery. I have a fine art degree and a graphic design degree. I have worked as a graphic designer and as a prepress production specialist in the printing industry for 29 years. God has allowed me to use my experience as a graphic designer and in print production to create a unique brand for the church. I have done this through creating promotions, title graphics, announcement designs, web design, and one of my favorites, multimedia projects such as signage, door tables, window and wall art, and even hay bale design. It’s been so fun using the skills God has given me and applying them to other applications.
Along with being the office manager, I serve on several different ministries at Living Water. I have the privilege of working with some amazing teammates in different roles. I am the lead of our visual department, which entails building and presenting our weekly PowerPoint slide shows, I serve on the leadership team of Seven C’s Mission as we work together to help those in need in Rochelle and the surrounding communities, and I get to lead worship on our amazing worship team.
How did you come to serve Jesus as your Lord and Savior?
I received God’s gift of salvation when I was 10 years old. I walked closely with Jesus until after I graduated high school and began working full-time at a retail store. All my co-workers were unsaved and over time their influence drew me to live a party lifestyle. I walked away from my precious Savior and as with most sin, this lifestyle hijacked my life and continued well after I graduated college, began my career and got married. I became a high-functioning alcoholic and lived that way for over 16 years. All that time, God never stopped pursuing me. So many times, He protected me and kept me from complete destruction. On a beautiful spring evening in March of 2003, God gave me a vision. My kids were 6 and 3 years old and through this vision allowed me to feel the weight of my children’s shame and embarrassment over my alcoholism. That night I made the decision to stop drinking and give God full control of my life. This was and will always be the best decision I have ever made in my life.
What brought you to Living Water Community Church and what keeps you coming back?
I am blessed to have been one of the core group of believers who planted Living Water Community Church. I have had the honor of watching God work literally from the ground up through so many different people for the past six years.
Tell us a little about your family and some hobbies you enjoy:
I am a mom of two amazing kids. We have enjoyed life together living on a small acreage outside the town of Creston for the past 20 years. We have a horse, a dog, and several cats that we love, care for, and enjoy. I love to challenge myself past what I think I can do to achieve a new personal record. I love to work out, ride horses or bikes, run, swim, take walks or hike with my kids and friends, have spontaneous dance off’s that I usually lose, and hang out with my kids. I thoroughly enjoy working with others to help them complete a project. I also like to draw, illustrate, create digital art, play the piano, do jigsaw puzzles, and play board games. In my quiet time, I enjoy deep dives into God’s Word and, through His revelation, discovering the hidden treasures within His word. I take seriously the call to share the Gospel and love those souls He brings into my life.


How has God prepared and gifted you in ministry and what are the most common ways you serve at Living Water Community Church?


I felt a strong call to service from God as an early teen, but I defiantly ignored it. God’s great grace never gives up though. When I stopped running from Him and started running towards Him my life got much better. I think that my greatest gift in ministry is the willingness to step into any role needed in a situation. I have served as a life group leader since the Fall of 2019 and have been involved in other ministries as well.


How did you come to serve Jesus as your Lord and Savior?


It has been a long journey to get here. I was fortunate enough to have parents that saw to it that I got a solid Christian educational foundation. I drifted away in my teens and twenties, but that foundation held strong. After attending a Tres Dias weekend in 2002 my life began to change. My greatest growth in this journey has been when I have said yes to God and let Him use me.


What brought you to Living Water Community Church and what keeps you coming back?


Sherry and I were looking for a place to go deeper in our faith and service. We came here as our second visit in this search with every intention to keep looking. We attended that first service then we came back the next week. After that second week, we talked and both felt that this was where we were supposed to be. The fellowship, worship, and love of God we have seen and heard in our time here is definitely the reason we keep coming back.


Tell us a little about your family and some hobbies you enjoy:


Sherry and I celebrated our 26th anniversary in August of 2023. We have 3 married adult children. Our son Adam lives in Tucson with his wife Emily and children Layne and Michael. Our older daughter Megan lives here in Rochelle with her husband Ben and children Bo and Ruby. Our youngest Melanie lives in Denver with her husband Jake. We enjoy traveling to see them and playing with our grandchildren. My current favorite hobby is hunting bears with our grandson Bo. Before he came along I never knew there were so many around here.


How has God prepared and gifted you in ministry and what are the most common ways you serve at Living Water Community Church?


God has given me a deep desire to serve him. I promised HIM I would walk thru any door HE opened even if I didn’t want to. God has opened many doors for me to serve him and being on the Board of Directors is one of them. I also serve as part of the Seven C’s ministry team, the Security Team ministry, and I volunteer at the Christian Food Pantry.


How did you come to serve Jesus as your Lord and Savior?


I was lucky to grow up in church and I accepted Christ at a young age. In my life I have struggled with many strongholds of the enemy. I have finally totally surrendered to God and spend more time exercising my spiritual life than my physical life.  Constantly spending time with Christians of like faith, in His Word, praying, studying, and serving Him has allowed Him to remove the strongholds I struggled with.


What brought you to Living Water Community Church and what keeps you coming back?


I felt Living Water Community Church was the church God wanted me at. I keep coming back because they have become my church family. Brothers and Sisters in Christ that I love and that love me. I praise God for my church family.


Tell us a little about your family and some hobbies you enjoy:
I’m retired and enjoy spending time with my family with includes three daughters, six grandchildren and four siblings their families. I enjoy spending time with my church family and serving God with them. I also enjoy sports, exercise and listening to music.