ARTICLE I: Board of Elders
In accordance with Article III of the constitution, the governance of Living Water is vested in the Board of Elders. The Elders have spiritual oversight on all matters of faith and final authority over all boards, ministry teams, and leaders.
Section 1: Name
The Board of Elders shall be known as and referred to within the church as The Elders.
Section 2: Purpose
The Elders shall ultimately direct the spiritual affairs of the Church (1 Timothy 5:17), serve God’s people (1 Peter 5:2), be examples to the congregation (1 Peter 5:3) and support and encourage the pastoral staff. While many of the various ministries of the church are directed by the staff, the overarching protection of the body is provided by the Elders.
Section 3: Qualifications
All Elders shall be of legal age, shall faithfully support the ministries of Living Water, and shall be committed to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. They shall be people of prayer (James 5:14), and filled with the Holy Spirit and wisdom (Acts 6:3). They shall also be in agreement with the beliefs laid out in Article II of the Constitution and Living Water distinctives, as well as meet the qualifications given in 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9, and I Peter 5:1-3. See Appendix A “Biblical Qualifications for Elders”.
Section 4: Number and Term of Office
Any number of qualified men, desiring the responsibilities of an Elder may serve as an Elder. Existing Elders will be asked to perform a self-evaluation and be recommended to the congregation each year during the annual business meeting. Those within the congregation who desire the position of Elder will be interviewed by the Elders to determine qualifications and then be recommended to the congregation, staff Pastors, by virtue of their positions, shall be Elders.
Section 5: Selection Process
The Elders, within a reasonable time period and prior to the selection of a new member, shall provide to the congregation, in writing, the qualifications for elder selection (see Appendix A). They shall then accept written, confidential nominations from the congregation that also reflect why this person should be considered. The current Elders shall interview each nominee and identify those men who are qualified to serve, have congregational support, and the unreserved affirmation of each current Elder. The Elders shall contact all nominees who are not selected with the reason given as to why they are not qualified to serve at this time. Individuals who qualify shall be so informed and urged to engage in a self-appraisal and personal evaluation. Any person may withdraw his name at this point should he not aspire to the position of elder. The Elders shall conduct a second interview with each person remaining in consideration before making its final selections. Through prayer the current Elders will select and recommend to the congregation the names of prospective new elders. Names of those selected to serve, as well as the current Elders shall form a slate of elders for the coming year and shall be brought before the congregation. The congregation shall have ample time to show cause why any prospective elder would not be qualified to serve. Consistent with Matthew 18:15 and Matthew 5:24, any members with such “cause” must first express their concern individually to the prospective elder and then must also express their concern to the Board of Elders for consideration. Should no cause be shown, the prospective elders shall be presented for affirmation in a service of dedication.
Section 6: Removal of an Elder
Inability to function as an elder shall cause removal from the Elders. Any member may also be removed from the Elders with or without cause by a unanimous vote of the entire Elder board excluding the member who is being removed. If a unanimous vote is not reached, after a thirty (30) day waiting period the same motion may then be carried by a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote of the entire board excluding the member who is being removed.
Section 7: Reconciliation with an Elder
If objections or accusations are brought against an Elder by the assembly, they shall only merit careful consideration if there are two (2) or more witnesses. (1 Timothy 5:19). If no resolution of the problem is reached, and if in the opinion of the Elders, the objection is sufficiently widespread in the congregation to warrant further action, the Elders shall either bring the Elder before the congregation for public rebuke and reconciliation OR the Elders shall vote on the removal of the Elder according to section 6 of this section of these By-Laws. The Elders shall have the freedom to negotiate all aspects of the Elders departure including severance, etc. In the case where removal of Elder involves a defect of character, which could result in loss of ministerial status, the Elders shall present the matter to the organization in which the Elder has credentialing. All organizations from which the Elder has credentials will be equally notified. If an Elder is removed from office for conduct disqualifying him for ministry, his ministry shall terminate immediately and Living Water Community Church of Rochelle shall have no further obligation to him.
Section 8: Duties
The Elders shall manage the spiritual affairs of the Church. They shall also create or approve all policy. The Elders shall be empowered to carry out, or cause to be carried out, as well as be responsible for:
• Praying for the Church and its leaders
• Casting the vision of the Church in conjunction with the pastoral staff
• Appointing, removing, and supporting ministry leaders and providing oversite to ministry
team leaders.
• Reviewing the Pastor’s performance and job descriptions
• Filling the pulpit during a vacancy in the Pastoral staff.
• Approving an annual budget prior its presentation during the annual meeting
Section 9: Meetings
Meetings shall be held regularly as decided by the Elders.
Section 10: Quorum and voting
A quorum is required in order for the Elders to transact any business and is constituted when a simple majority of the Elders are present. Each member shall have one (1) vote. A unanimous vote of the Elders at a meeting shall be considered an act of the Elders. If a unanimous vote is not reached, then after a two (2) week waiting period during which the board works to come to a unanimous decision, the same motion may be carried by a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote. This method of voting shall apply to all committees unless otherwise specified.
In accordance with Article III of the Constitution, the Board of Directors shall be appointed and serve under the authority of the Elders.
Section 1: Name
The Board of Directors may be referred to within the church as Deacons.
Section 2: Purpose
The Board of Directors shall be considered the legal directors of the corporation. They shall direct
the business affairs of Living Water, allowing the Elders to focus on the spiritual affairs of the Church.
(Acts 6:3-4)
Section 3: Qualifications
All members of the Board of Directors shall be laity, of legal age, shall faithfully support the ministries of Living Water, and shall be committed to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. They shall be filled with the Holy Spirit and wisdom (Acts 6:3). They shall also be in agreement with the beliefs laid out in Article II of the constitution and Living Water distinctives, as well as meet the qualifications given in 1Timothy 3:8-12 and Acts 6:3. See Appendix B “Qualifications for the Board of Directors”. A candidate who has served previously on the Board of Directors is qualified for re-election to the board after he has been off the Board of Directors for one year. This one-year hiatus shall not be a requirement for selection if the individual has served on the board for one year or less.
Section 4: Term of Office
Existing Board of Directors will be asked to perform a self-evaluation and be confirmed as a slate to the congregation each year during the annual business meeting. Those within the congregation who desire the position of Board of Director will be interviewed by the Elders to determine qualifications. The Board of Directors shall appoint officers each year for a one (1) year term which can be renewed annually. The Treasurer shall report directly to the Board of Directors.
Section 5: Selection Process
The members of the Board of Directors shall be appointed by the Elders. The Elders shall interview and select candidates. The list of candidates shall be published to the congregation and given ample time to bring biblical, ethical, or moral concerns that they may have, first to the candidate and then also to the Elders (Matthew 18:15 & 5:24). Should no cause be shown, the candidates shall be presented for affirmation during the annual business meeting or another public setting for a service of dedication. In the event that there is a vacancy on the board of Directors, the Elders may select a new candidate. Any member so elected must adhere to the qualifications afore-mentioned.
Section 6: Removal from the Board of Directors
Inability to function as a board member shall cause removal from the Board of Directors. Any member may also be removed from the board with or without cause by a Vote of the Elders, following the voting guidelines of Article 1, Section 10 of the Bylaws
Section 7: Duties of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall manage the business affairs of the Church. They shall in conjunction with the Elders implement the procedures necessary to carry out the policy. The Board of Directors shall be empowered by the Elders to carry out, or cause to be carried out, as well as be responsible for:
• Preparing & Overseeing the Operating and Capital annual budget
• Track all Income and Expenditures
• Scheduling an annual independent audit of the church finances
• Appointing officers
• Appointing, removing, and supporting sub-committees as needed
• Overseeing and maintaining the church contents & facilities
• Reviewing and recommending the compensation package for all staff
• Overseeing/control of designated funds
Section 8: Meetings
Meetings shall be held regularly as decided by the Board of Directors. No notice shall be required for any regular meeting. Special meetings may be held upon call of the President or any two (2) members of the board and upon five (5) days written notice to each member specifying the time, place, and general purpose of the meeting.
Section 9: Quorum and Voting
A quorum is required in order for the board to transact any business and is constituted when a simple majority of the board is present. Each member shall have one (1) vote. A unanimous vote of the members present at a meeting shall be considered an act of the Board of Directors. If a unanimous vote is not reached, then after a two (2) week waiting period during which the board works to come to a unanimous decision, the same motion may be carried by a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote. This method of voting shall apply to all sub-committees unless otherwise specified.
Section 1: Staff Management
The pastoral staff with oversight and approval from the Elders shall have the responsibility of hiring all non-pastoral staff. The pastoral staff will have the responsibility of managing and evaluating all non-pastoral staff.
Section 2: Selection and Call of a Pastor
In the event that the Church is without a Pastor, a Search Team shall be appointed by the Elders. This team shall consist of two (2) Elders and a minimum of three (3) laity to fulfill the following duties:
• The Search Team shall review the Pastor’s job description in order to become familiar with the expectations of the position.
• The Search Team shall investigate the availability of prospective pastors and study their qualifications as to calling, spiritual development, character, leadership, abilities, experience, and ministerial recognition.
• When the Search Team has reached agreement in narrowing the prospects down to five qualified candidates, it shall present these names to the Elders, and adjourn.
• The Elders will work to narrow the field down to 2 or 3 qualified candidates through reference checks, phone interviews, acquaintance with a counsel of representative ministers in the area the candidate resides, discreetly attending a service where the candidate is speaking, or any other like means.
• Upon the narrowing of the field, the Elders shall then pursue a more in-depth, in-person interview with the candidate and vote on whether he is worthy of continued pursuit.
• The Elders shall then state their intentions to the congregation and arrange for the prospective pastor to speak during weekend services and be available for other dialog with the congregation.
• The congregation shall be given an opportunity, of no less than a week, to provide feedback to the Elders. The Elders will then meet to discuss the feedback and the option to call the pastor. Following the discussion, the extension of and acceptance of the call, any remaining candidates will be notified. The congregation will also then be notified.
Section 3: Resignation of a Pastor
Should a Pastor decide to terminate his leadership of the congregation, he shall tender his resignation in writing to the Elders. They shall then in turn present it to the congregation. The resignation shall then provide for a minimum of thirty (30) days notice unless other arrangements are agreed upon by both the Elders and the Pastor.
Section 4: Removal of a Pastor
Inability to function as a Pastor shall cause removal as a staff Pastor. Any member may also be removed as a Pastor with or without cause by a unanimous vote of the entire Elder board excluding the member who is being removed. If a unanimous vote is not reached, after a thirty (30) day waiting period the same motion may then be carried by a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote of the entire board excluding the member who is being removed.
Section 5: Reconciliation with a Pastor
If objections or accusations are brought against a Pastor by the assembly, they shall only merit careful consideration if there are two (2) or more witnesses. (1 Timothy 5:19). If no resolution of the problem is reached, and if in the opinion of the Elders, the objection is sufficiently widespread in the congregation to warrant further action, the Elders must either bring the Pastor before the congregation for public rebuke and reconciliation OR the Elders shall vote on the removal of the Pastor according to section 4 of this section of these By-Laws. The Elders shall have the freedom to negotiate all aspects of the Pastor’s departure including severance, etc. In the case where removal of Pastor involves a defect of character, which could result in loss of ministerial status, the Elders shall present the matter to the organization in which the Pastor has credentialing. All organizations from which the Pastor has credentials will be equally notified. In case a Pastor is removed from office for conduct disqualifying him for ministry, his pastorate shall terminate immediately and Living Water Community Church of Rochelle shall have no further obligation to him.
ARTICLE V: Project Teams (Committees)
Creation of Teams
Both the Elders and the Board of Directors shall have the authority to create or permit to be created any project team required to accomplish a task, in keeping with the duties of their respective boards. The creating board shall also appoint or cause to be appointed the team leader and all members of said team and shall have the ability to dissolve any team it has crated. Any member of a team may be removed, with or without cause, by the person or persons authorized to appoint them.
Amendments of These Bylaws
Subject to law and the Articles of Incorporation, the power to make, alter, amend, or repeal all or an part of this Code of Bylaws is vested in the Board of Elders, following the voting guidelines of Article 1, Section 9 of the Bylaws and a confirming 2/3rd majority vote of the assembly following a meeting called with a 2 week notice.
Biblical Qualifications for Elders
1 Timothy 3:2-7
Now the overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect…He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil. He must also have a good reputation with the outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil’s trap.
Titus 1:6-9
An elder must be blameless, the husband of but one wife. A man, whose children believe and are not open to charge of being wild and disobedient. Since an overseer is entrusted with God’s work, he must be blameless-not overbearing, not quick-tempered, not given to drunkenness, not violent, not pursuing dishonest gain. Rather, he must be hospitable, one who loves what is good, who is self-controlled, upright, holy and disciplined. He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.
Note: These and other passages of Scripture such as 1 Timothy 2:12, suggest that the role of elder be limited to men who meet the biblical qualifications.
1. Above Reproach
Elders must be godly men-blameless, presenting no patterns of scriptural disobedience or grounds for accusation.
2. Husband of One Wife
Elders, who are married, must be devoted to their wife.
3. Temperate
Elders must be self-controlled, enslaved to nothing, free from excesses.
4. Self-Controlled
Elders must be sober, sensible, wise, balanced in judgment, not given to quick, superficial decisions based on immature thinking.
5. Respectable
Elders must demonstrate a well-ordered life and good behavior.
6. Hospitable
Elders must be unselfish with their personal resources. They must be willing to share blessings with others.
7. Able to Teach
Elders must be able to communicate the truth of God and exhort by sound doctrine in a non-argumentative way. See 2 Timothy 2:24, 4:2
8. Not Given to Drunkenness
Elders must be free from addictions, and must be willing to limit their liberty for the sake of others.
9. Not Violent, but Gentle
Elders must be gentle and characterized by forbearance and tenderness, not having a quick temper.
10. Not Quarrelsome
Elders must not be given to quarreling or selfish argumentation.
11. Not a Lover of Money
Elders must not be stingy, greedy, or out for solid gain. They must not be preoccupied with material things, but should be models of giving.
12. Manage Your Own Family Well
Elders must have well-ordered homes, a healthy family life, and well-behaved children. (Pertains to those children still under the authority of the parents)
13. Not a Recent Convert
Elders must not be new believers, but must have followed Christ long enough to demonstrate the reality of their conversion and the depth of their spirituality. A suggested guideline is at least two (2) years from the time they first connected to Living Water.
14. Good Reputation with Others
Elders must be well-respected by unbelievers and free from hypocrisy.
15. Not Over-Bearing
Elders must not be stubborn, insensitive, or prone to forcing opinions on others. They must be more interested in service than pleasure.
16. Not Quick-Tempered
Elders must exercise self-control and patience in difficult situations.
17. Loves What is Good
Elders must desire the will of God in every decision.
18. Upright
Elders must be fair and impartial. Their judgments must be based on biblical principles.
19. Holy and Disciplined
Elders must be reverent, continually desiring to be separate from sin. They must be devoted to prayer, the study of Scripture, and the guarding of their own spiritual walk. See: Acts 20-28
20. Holding Firmly to the Trustworthy Message
Elders must be stable in the faith and obedient to the Word of God, continually seeking to be controlled by the Holy Spirit.
Biblical Qualifications for the Board of Directors
Timothy 3:8-12
Deacons likewise are to be men worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain. They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience. They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons. In the same way, their wives are to be women worthy of respect, not malicious talkers, but temperate and trustworthy in everything. A deacon must be the husband of but one wife and manage his children and his household well.
Note: Living Water Community Church uses the contemporary title of Board of Directors for those who serve as deacons. Because scripture affirms the role of deaconesses (women) as well as deacons (men), positions on the Board are open to both men and women who meet the following biblical qualifications.
1. Respected
Directors must be mature, of sound mind and character, yielded to the Holy Spirit.
2. Sincere
Directors must demonstrate verbal consistency. They must not be prone to saying one thing to one person and something else to another.
3. Not Indulging in Much Wine
Directors must be free from addictions and must be willing to limit their liberty for the sake of others.
4. Not Pursuing Dishonest Gain
Directors must be purely motivated in their service.
5. Holding to the Deep Truths of Faith with a Clear Conscience
Directors must have a sound knowledge of Christian truth and a lifestyle in accord with it. They must not be easily swayed from the truth.
6. Beyond Reproach
Directors must display a lifestyle free from ongoing patterns of disobedience to Scripture.
7. First Tested
Directors must have proven over time that they are faithful and that their walk is credible. A suggested guideline is at least one year from the time of connection with Living Water Community Church.
8. Respectable, Temperate, and Trustworthy
Directors must be dignified. Those who are married must have spouses who model godly character.
9. The Husband of One Wife
Directors, who are married, must be devoted to their spouses.
10. Manage Household Well
Directors must have well-ordered households, a healthy family life, and well-behaved children. (Pertains to those children still under the authority of the parents)